pre·ven·tion — to be in readiness
The Demand Project believes in educating, equipping, and empowering the community on how to stay safe against online predators, child traffickers/buyers, and anyone that seeks to sexually exploit children for commercial and personal gain. We provide in-depth presentations on how predators and traffickers operate, how to keep children safe online and in the community, and how you can stay educated on any emerging technological trends and trafficking tricks.
Educate – Equip – Empower

The AWARE workshop is a hands-on training for parents and guardians. In this workshop you will learn how to take charge of technology and social media to protect your children from online predators. You will also gain key insight into the tactics and methods online predators use to gain access to children. You will leave with tangible, practical tools that will help you protect your child from the predator lurking behind the screen.

Awaken is a presentation on the ins and outs of human trafficking within our community today. You will learn how trafficking begins, how it deeply affects its victims, and what measures the community can take to respond effectively and in an informed manner.

Empower is an age-appropriate presentation focused on educating today‘s youth about the realities of sexual exploitation and human trafficking, while empowering them to identify red flags of predatory behavior.

The annual Beyond Awareness Summit benefits TDP's Prevention department.