VAST (victim advocate support team)
The VASTeam (victim advocate support team) is composed of crisis intervention advocates, private investigators, and former law enforcement/military backgrounds. The VASTeam assists law enforcement, court departments, service providers, and the community in the recovery of human trafficking and sexually exploited victims.
This is done through TDP's Crisis Call Center, safety assessments, and facilitation of emergency resources using The Demand Project’s Resource Directory, Crisis Advocates, and Transportation Team.
FAST (family advocate support team)
The Demand Project's Family Advocate Support Team (FAST) offers the families of victims a multi-generational approach to healing by supporting the entire family unit.
Bethany (Campus Clinic and Advocacy Center)
Bethany Campus Clinic and Advocacy Center is one building on the Mount Arukah Campus that serves a dual purpose:
The Bethany Clinic serves campus residents for minor medical needs. The Bethany Advocacy Center is designed to assist law enforcement as a temporary intervention center offering crisis advocacy, forensic interviews, SANExam (sexual assault nurse examination) and facilitating recovery and restoration services and resources for human trafficking, CSEC, or sexually exploited victims.

The annual Demand Project Rally Cry benefits TDP's Recovery department.